
30 Buckingham Gate, London

Project Details

Anglian Architectural completed the glazing refurbishment of 30 Buckingham Gate in London. Our scope of works consisted of new bronze anodised Schuco AWS70 WF.Hi fixed windows which incorporated non-standard V10 projecting cover caps.

On this project we were tasked with meeting the acoustic rating of 51dB, which we achieved using 17.1mm acoustic laminate x 20mm spacer x 9.1mm acoustic laminate. 


Location 30 Buckingham Gate, London
Architect Chapman Waterworth
Client Caledonia Investments
Value Circa £500,000
System Schuco AWS 70 WF Hi windows incorporating non-standard V10 cover caps
Schuco ADS 70 Hi doors
Schuco ADS 80 FR 30 doors
Schuco FW50+ capped curtain walling
Schuco ASS 70FD sliding-folding door